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Discuss in what context it is recommended to use transfer learning and when it is not.

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Transfer learning is a machine learning method where a model developed for a task is reused as the starting point for a model on a second task. It is a popular approach in deep learning where pre-trained models are used as the starting point for computer vision and natural language processing tasks given the vast computing and time resources required to develop neural network models on these problems and from the huge jumps in a skill that they provide on related problems.

Transfer learning is used for tasks where the data is too little to train a full-scale model from the beginning. In transfer learning, well-trained, well-constructed networks are used which have learned over large sets and can be used to boost the performance of a dataset.


The downstream task has a very small amount of data available, then we can try using pre-trained model weights by switching the last layer with new layers which we will train.

In some cases, like in vision-related tasks, the initial layers have a common behavior of detecting edges, then a little more complex but still abstract features and so on which is common in all vision tasks, and hence a pre-trained model's initial layers can be used directly. The same thing holds for Language Models too, for example, a model trained in a large Hindi corpus can be transferred and used for other Indo-Aryan Languages with low resources available.


The first and most important is the "COST". So is it cost-effective or we can have a similar performance without using it.

The pre-trained model has no relation to the downstream task.

If the latency is a big constraint (Mostly in NLP ) then transfer learning is not the best option. However Now with the TensorFlow lite kind of platform and Model Distillation, Latency is not a problem anymore.