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Describe the architecture of a typical Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)?

1 Answer

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In a typical CNN architecture, a few convolutional layers are connected in a cascade style. Each convolutional layer is followed by a Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) layer or other activation function, then a pooling layer*, then one or more convolutional layers (+ReLU), then another pooling layer.

The output from each convolution layer is a set of objects called feature maps, generated by a single kernel filter. The feature maps are used to define a new input to the next layer. A common trend is to keep on increasing the number of filters as the size of the image keeps dropping as it passes through the Convolutional and Pooling layers. The size of each kernel filter is usually 3×3 kernel because it can extract the same features which extract from large kernels and faster than them.

After that, the final small image with a large number of filters(which is a 3D output from the above layers) is flattened and passed through fully connected layers. At last, we use a softmax layer with the required number of nodes for classification or use the output of the fully connected layers for some other purpose depending on the task.

The number of these layers can increase depending on the complexity of the data and when they increase you need more data. Stride, Padding, Filter size, Type of Pooling, etc all are Hyperparameters and need to be chosen (maybe based on some previously built successful models)

*Pooling: it is a way to reduce the number of features by choosing a number to represent its neighbor. And it has many types max-pooling, average pooling, and global average.

Max pooling: it takes the max number of window 2×2 as an example and represents this window by using the max number in it then slides on the image to make the same operation.

Average pooling: it is the same as max-pooling but takes the average of the wind

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