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You are using a deep neural network for a prediction task. After training your model, you notice that it is strongly overfitting the training set and that the performance on the test isn’t good. What can you do to reduce overfitting?

1 Answer

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To reduce overfitting in a deep neural network changes can be made in three places/stages: The input data to the network, the network architecture, and the training process:

The input data to the network:

Check if all the features are available and reliable

Check if the training sample distribution is the same as the validation and test set distribution. Because if there is a difference in validation set distribution then it is hard for the model to predict as these complex patterns are unknown to the model.

Check for train / valid data contamination (or leakage)

The dataset size is enough, if not try data augmentation to increase the data size

The dataset is balanced

Network architecture:

Overfitting could be due to model complexity. Question each component:

can fully connect layers be replaced with convolutional + pooling layers?

what is the justification for the number of layers and number of neurons chosen? Given how hard it is to tune these, can a pre-trained model be used?

Add regularization - lasso (l1), ridge (l2), elastic net (both)

Add dropouts

Add batch normalization

The training process:

Improvements in validation losses should decide when to stop training. Use callbacks for early stopping when there are no significant changes in the validation loss and restore_best_weights.
