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What do you understand by anti-patterns of DevOps?

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 When a DevOps pattern commonly adopted by other organizations doesn’t work in a specific context and still the organization continues using it, it leads to the adoption of an anti-pattern. In other words, anti-patterns are myths about DevOps. Some of the notable anti-patterns are:

An organization needs to have a separate DevOps group

  1. Agile equals DevOps
  2. DevOps is a process
  3. DevOps is development-driven release management
  4. DevOps is not possible because the organization is unique
  5. DevOps is not possible because the people available are unsuitable
  6. DevOps means Developers Managing Production
  7. DevOps will solve all problems
  8. Failing to include all aspects of the organization in an ongoing DevOps transition
  9. Not defining KPIs at the start of a DevOps transition
  10. Reduce the silo-based isolation of development and operations with a new DevOps team that silos itself from other parts of the organization