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in Statistics and Probability Basics by
Discuss the Chi-square, ANOVA, and t-test

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Chi-square test A statistical method is used to find the difference or correlation between the observed and expected categorical variables in the dataset.

Example: A food delivery company wants to find the relationship between gender, location, and food choices of people.

It is used to determine whether the difference between 2 categorical variables is:

Due to chance or

Due to relationship

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a statistical formula used to compare variances across the means (or average) of different groups. A range of scenarios uses it to determine if there is any difference between the means of different groups.

t_test is a statistical method for the comparison of the mean of the two groups of the normally distributed sample(s).

It comes in various types such as:

One sample t-test:

Used to compare the mean of a sample and the population.

Two sample t-tests:

Used to compare the mean of two independent samples and whether their population is statistically different.

Paired t-test:

Used to compare means of different samples from the same group.