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What is Log Analytics (Operational Management Suite)?

1 Answer

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Log Analytics (OMS) (formerly known by "Operational Insights") in Azure cater all requirements in one single service and takes care of Log Analytics, Automation, Availability and Security at one single place. It provides single dashboard which gives all details of Logs, IIS Logs, Storage and other Infrastructure Log and Capacity planning details. Log Analytics also extend itself to On Premise infrastructure, Amazon (AWS) workload and Open Stack beside traditional Windows and Linux virtual infrastructure in Azure. Log Analytics also enables you to generate Power BI data source from which you can build Power BI visuals for your data. Log Analytics leverages OMS which also gives you Security and Threat Management related data with all necessary details like Login Information, IP Addresses etc. It is paid services and comes with 3 different pricing tier as Free, Standard and Premium. It helps you to search Logs across your infrastructure from a single dashboard and also allows you to export the results as well. Hence this becomes one single point/dashboard for all your logs of all your infrastructure irrespective whether it is Windows or Linux or On premise or Azure hosted.