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What are different types of Azure blobs and difference between them?

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Azure storage has two type of blob -- Block and Page.

# Block Blob Page Blob

1 Block blob is ideal for sequential read, write operations. Page blob is ideal for random read, write operations. 2 Block blobs should be natural choice for storing the various types of files such as office file, pdf, mp3, video, byte array and so on. Page blob being "sparse" type of storage, is natural choice for storing .VHD files backing the Azure Virtual Machines 3 The data constitutes from various blocks and each block can have max size of 4MB. The data constitutes of various page ranges and each page should be in multiple of 512 bytes. 4 Write made to block blob using PutBlock is uncommitted and maintained only for 7 days. User have to call PutBlockList to commit the data permanently. Write made to page blob using PutPage is a direct commit.

What is the difference between Table Storage and SQL Azure Table?

# Table Storage SQL Azure Table

1 This is NoSQL store on Azure This is relational store on Azure 2 As NoSQL, the data is stored in Key-Value pair combination and data is referred as an Entity. The data is stored in Rows and Columns combination. 3 Schema is not enforced while storing the data. Schema is enforces while storing the data. If schema is violated, then error is thrown. 4 Combination of partition and row key is treated as unique for an entity. User can define various constraints such primary key, unique key. 5 Can't have relationship between tables. We can define relationships between tables such as foreign key. 6 Being key-value store, we can't define objects such as Stored procedures, Views, functions. We can created Stored procedures, views, functions. 7 General usage is observed for storing diagnostics information, error log information. Used widely in transaction based systems.
