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What is Flutter?

2 Answers

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Flutter is a UI-based tool for creating mobile applications. You can use Flutter to create natively compiled mobile applications with a single programming language and a single codebase. Fast and beautiful mobile applications can be developed with the right skill sets to code in Flutter. Google developed the framework, and the code is open source. Flutter in itself is not a language, and it makes use of Dart language for coding.

Flutter can be used to code for both IOS and Android. The optimization is best suited for 2D mobile apps. The following features can be used to make the apps:-

  1. Geolocation
  2. Storage access
  3. Camera access
  4. Network
  5. Third-Party SDKs
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Flutter is a freeware UI software development kit(SDK) or toolkit built by Google for developing web, desktop, and mobile applications through a single codebase. Flutter applications utilize Dart programming language to create applications. Flutter’s first alpha version was released in 2017. Flutter is optimized for 2D mobile applications that execute on both iOS and Android platforms. Following are the main elements of Flutter:

  1. Flutter engine
  2. Dart platform
  3. Design-specific widgets
  4. Foundation Library