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What is Syntactic Analysis?

1 Answer

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Syntactic analysis is a technique of analyzing sentences to extract meaning from it. Using syntactic analysis, a machine can analyze and understand the order of words arranged in a sentence. NLP employs grammar rules of a language that helps in the syntactic analysis of the combination and order of words in documents.

The techniques used for syntactic analysis are as follows:

Parsing: It helps in deciding the structure of a sentence or text in a document. It helps analyze the words in the text based on the grammar of the language.

  • Word segmentation: The segmentation of words segregates the text into small significant units.
  • Morphological segmentation: The purpose of morphological segmentation is to break words into their base form.
  • Stemming: It is the process of removing the suffix from a word to obtain its root word.
  • Lemmatization: It helps combine words using suffixes, without altering the meaning of the word.