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in Cloud Computing by

What are the security risks of cloud computing?

Select the correct option from below
a) All of the options
b) Privileged access
c) Long term viability
d) Data location and segregation
e) Recovery

2 Answers

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a) All of the options
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Various factors are responsible for advantageous cloud computing, including improved scalability, excellent accessibility, mobility, storage, etc. Cloud Computing still has security issues and are given below:

Data Loss

Data Loss is a shared cloud computing risk. It is given as data stored on the cloud is either leaked, deleted, corrupted, or misused by a user or application. It mainly occurs when critical data is in somebody’s hand, the hard disk is not working correctly, and the software is not updated.

Hacked Interfaces and Insecure APIs

Interfaces through which we can connect to the internet for most cloud services as APIs and interfaces are connected to cloud services through third parties. Hackers can quickly attack them as they are in the public domain.

Data Breach

Data Breach is when secured data is retrieved illegally and unauthorizedly as hackers hack such an organization’s data.

Business lock-in

Various issues arise due to the transfer of data from one organization to another as there are different platforms for different companies. Hence, it is difficult to move from one cloud to another.

Denial of Service Attacks

Denial of Service Attacks occurs when the system receives traffic beyond the threshold to congest the server. DoS attacks usually attack large organizations’ web servers like banking, media, and government companies. We must deal with money and time to recover from these attacks.

Increased Complexity for IT workers

Shifting, integrating, and operating cloud services are complex for IT workers, and IT workers must require extra capability and skills to manage, integrate and maintain the data on the cloud.

Specter and Meltdown

It allows stealing data from computers that are currently available on it. It can run on personal computers and various electronic devices. It can store the password, and your personal information, such as images, emails, and business documents, in the memory.

Account Hijacking

It is one of the serious security risks in cloud computing. Hackers can steal sensitive information regarding the cloud account, including bank accounted-mail accounts and social media accounts, to perform illegal activities.