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What is Authentication and Authorization in GraphQL?

1 Answer

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Authentication and AuthorizationAuthorization are the processes used in services. Sometimes people get confused in these two terms and exchange their definitions for each other.

Authentication: Authentication is a process that is used to claim an identity. Authentication is done when you want to log in to a service with a username and password. Here, you have to authenticate yourself. In GraphQL, Authentication can be implemented with common patterns such as OAuth. OAuth is an open protocol that is used to allow secure AuthorizationAuthorization in a simple and standard method from web, mobile, and desktop applications.

Authorization: On the other hand, AuthorizationAuthorization is a process that is used to give permission rules that specify the access rights of individual users and user groups to certain parts of the system. For authorization implementation in GraphQL, it is recommended to delegate any data access logic to the business logic layer and not handle it directly.
