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What do you mean by DoD?

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DoD stands for Definition of Done. It is the set of deliverables that contain written codes, comments on coding, unit tests, integration testing, design documents, release notes, and so on. This provides project development with quantifiable and demonstrable benefits. It is quite beneficial to scrum when it comes to identifying deliverables that will assist the project reach its goal.

It assists with:

  • Identifying the steps necessary to complete the iteration.
  • The use of appropriate technologies, such as burndown, to improve the efficiency of the process.
  • Providing timely input at all stages of the project’s life cycle.
  • Assuring that the product backlog items are properly walked through and understood.
  • The establishment of a checklist for the backlog items in the product.
  • Assuring that it is defined in such a way that it is task-oriented.
  • Including the product owner in the sprint review and sprint retrospective
  • Scrum Master Interview Questions: DoD