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in VueJS by
What are dynamic components?

2 Answers

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The dynamic component will allow you to dynamically switch beetween multiple components without updating the route of the application and even retaining the state of the component when switching back to the initial component. It works by using <component> tag with v-bind:is attribute which accept dynamic component.

Let's create a dynamic component vue instance to switch between different pages of a website,

new Vue({

  el: '#app',

  data: {

    currentPage: 'home'


  components: {

    home: {

      template: "<p>Home</p>"


    about: {

      template: "<p>About</p>"


    contact: {

      template: "<p>Contact</p>"




Now you can use the dynamic component which holds the current page,

<div id="app">

   <component v-bind:is="currentPage">

       <!-- component changes when currentPage changes! -->

       <!-- output: Home -->



The component will be unmounted when it is switched away but it is possible to force the inactive component alive using <keep-alive> component
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Dynamic components are the components in which the component's location in the application is not defined at build time i.e. they are not used in any angular template. Instead, the component is instantiated and placed in the application at runtime.
