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in Grafana by
What exactly is k6?

1 Answer

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Grafana k6 is an open-source load testing tool for engineering teams that makes performance testing simple and efficient. k6 is free, open-source, and extensible.

k6 can be used to assess the reliability and performance of your systems, allowing you to detect performance regressions and problems sooner. k6 will help you create applications that are scalable, robust, and fast.

Some of the most common k6 use-cases are as follows:

Load testing: k6 is designed to run high-load tests (spike, stress, and soak tests) while using minimal resources.

Synthetic monitoring and performance: By running tests with a small amount of load, you may utilise k6 to frequently assess the performance and availability of your production system.

Consistency and chaos testing: The architecture of k6 is extendable. You can use k6 to generate traffic as part of your chaotic experiments, or you can use it to trigger traffic from your k6 tests.

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