1. Neo4j :
Neo4j is the most famous graph database management system and it is also a NoSQL database system which is developed by Neo4j, Inc. It is different from Mysql or MongoDB as it has its features that makes it special compared to other Database Management System. Neo4j also stores and present the data in the form of the graph not in tabular format or not in a Jason format. In this the whole data is represented by nodes and there you can create a relationship between nodes which means the whole database collection will look like a graph, which makes Neo4j unique from other database management system.
2. MySQL :
It is a relational database management system (RDBMS) based on Structured Query Language (SQL). It is open based database management developed and managed by oracle corporation and initially released on 23 May 1995. It is widely being used in many small and large scale industrial applications and capable of handling a large volume of data.