Following are the different types of activation functions:
Sigmoid function: The sigmoid function is a non-linear activation function in an ANN that is mostly utilised in feedforward neural networks. It's a differentiable real function with positive derivatives everywhere and a certain degree of smoothness, defined for real input values. The sigmoid function is found in the deep learning models' output layer and is used to anticipate probability-based outputs. The sigmoid function is written as follows:
Hyperbolic Tangent Function (Tanh): The Tanh function is a smoother and zero-centered function having a range of -1 to 1. The output of the tanh function is represented by:
Because it provides higher training performance for multilayer neural networks, the tanh function is considerably more widely utilised than the sigmoid function. The tanh function's primary advantage is that it gives a zero-centered output, which helps with backpropagation.
Softmax function: The softmax function is another type of activation function used in neural networks to generate probability distribution from a vector of real numbers. This function returns a number between 0 and 1, with the sum of the probabilities equal to 1. The softmax function is written like this:
This function is most commonly used in multi-class models, returning probabilities for each class, with the target class having the highest probability. It can be found in practically all of the output layers of the DL architecture.
Softsign function: This is most commonly used in regression computation issues and text-to-speech applications based on deep learning. It's a quadratic polynomial with the following representation:
Rectified Linear Unit Function: The rectified linear unit (ReLU) function is a fast-learning artificial intelligence (AI) that promises to give cutting-edge performance and outstanding results. In deep learning, the ReLU function outperforms other AFs like the sigmoid and tanh functions in terms of performance and generalisation. The function is a roughly linear function that preserves the features of linear models, making gradient-descent approaches easier to optimise.
On each input element, the ReLU function performs a threshold operation, setting all values less than zero to zero. As a result, the ReLU is written as:
Exponential Linear Unit Function: The exponential linear units (ELUs) function is a type of AF that can be used to speed up neural network training (just like ReLU function). The ELU function's major advantage is that it can solve the vanishing gradient problem by employing identity for positive values and boosting the model's learning properties. The exponential linear unit function has the following representation: