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Consider a transaction T1 that committed prior to checkpoint. The <T1 commits> record appears in the log before the <checkpoint> record. Any modifications made by T1 must have been written to the stable storage either with the checkpoint or prior to it. Thus at recovery time ____________
a) There is a need to perform an undo operation on T1
b) There is a need to perform a redo operation on T1
c) There is no need to perform an undo and redo operation on T1
d) All of the mentioned

1 Answer

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Consider a transaction T1 that committed prior to checkpoint. The <T1 commits> record appears in the log before the <checkpoint> record. Any modifications made by T1 must have been written to the stable storage either with the checkpoint or prior to it. Thus at recovery time There is no need to perform an undo and redo operation on T1.

Correct answer:- c) There is no need to perform an undo and redo operation on T1
