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in Scala Constructs by
What do you mean by tail-recursion?

1 Answer

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Scala supports tail recursion, which sets it apart from other languages. Recursion involves breaking a problem down into smaller sub-problems and calling itself to resolve each of them. Simply put, recursion can be thought of as a function calling itself. Tail recursion refers to executing the last statement recursively.  As a result, these functions are more performant since they utilize tail call optimization. They do not add another stack frame to memory, but rather keep calling functions. If you are experiencing a stack overflow with your recursive functions, a tail-recursive function is your remedy. In addition, tail recursion makes your code faster and memory-constant.  


 @tailrecdef FuntionName(Parameter1, Parameter2, ...): type = … 


import scala.annotation.tailrec  

object Madanswer  


    def SCALER(a: Int, b: Int): Int =  


        @tailrec def scaler(x:Int, y:Int): Int=  


            if (y == 0) x   

            else scaler(y, x % y)   


        scaler(a, b)  


    def main(args:Array[String])   


        println(SCALER(11, 7))   



