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Given this Category model with an attribute for "name", what code would fill in the blank so that it sets saved_name to a string that is the category name that existed before the name was changed?

class Category < ActiveRecord::Base

  # has a database column for :name


category = Category.first

category.name = 'News'

saved_name = _____

a. category.name_was

b. category.saved(:name)

c. category.changes[:name]

d. category.name_changed?

1 Answer

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Given this Category model with an attribute for "name", what code would fill in the blank so that it sets saved_name to a string that is the category name that existed before the name was changed?

class Category < ActiveRecord::Base

  # has a database column for :name


category = Category.first

category.name = 'News'

saved_name = _____

Correct answer is :-  category.changes[:name]
