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in MongoDB by
What is NoSQL Booster

1 Answer

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It’s one of the smartest IDEs available for MongoDB development. Being cross-platform, it offers exceptional debugging support for the queries, as well as features like server monitoring and code generation.


MongoDB Script debugger helps set up breakpoints within the query editor and step through the code.

Auto code completion with true IntelliSense.

Use SQL-like queries with support for joins and expressions and aggregations like GROUP BY.

Support for server monitoring and performance tuning.


Helps to generate code for the created query in different languages like Python, Java, NodeJS, etc.

Built-in support for using NodeJS modules like Loadash, MomentJS, etc. within your script.

Supports MongoDB enterprise authentication.

Good support and assistance are available whenever required.


The free version has limited features, and licenses are expensive.


Offers free version with limited features like Syntax highlighting, code formatting, and Object explorer.

Paid versions are available with Personal and Commercial licenses with an optional Software Assurance or support (which is charged extra)

Personal License starts from $129 per copy.

The commercial license starts at $239 per user.

Website: NoSQL Booster

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