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in Ionic by

Ionic Framework Questions and Answers on :

  • Ionic Templates
  • API's
  • Ionic Icons
  • Ionic Styles
  • Ionic buttons
  • CSS component
  • Ionic Directives
  • ios Emulator
  • Ionic Grid

1 Answer

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Question#1 The following are in-built Ionic templates, except __________.

a) Navigation

b) Sidemenu

c) Tabs

d) Blanks

Answer:- Navigation

Question#2 Which of the following includes device APIs that allow accessing native device features like camera or maps?

a) AngularJS

b) Ionic

c) Cordova

d) Node.js

Answer:- Cordova

Question#3 Which of the following folders contains icons in Ionic?

a) Images

b) Fonts

c) img

d) Icons

Answer:- Fonts

Question#4 Which of the following files contains all the required JS files for Ionic and Angular?

a) ionic.bundle.min.js

b) ionic.js

c) ionic-angular.js

d) ionic.min.js

Answer:- ionic.bundle.min.js

Question#5 Which of the following files has the Ionic styles?

a) ionic.css

b) ionic.bundle.css

c) ionic.bundle.js

d) ionic.js

Answer:- ionic.css

Question#6 Which of the following classes can be used to create a button that occupies the entire width of the screen?

a) button-block

b) button-large

c) button-bar

Answer:- button-block

Question#7 Which of the following tags displays a button with rounded corners?

a) Both the options mentioned

b) None of the options mentioned

c) <button ion-button round outline></button>

d) <button ion-button round></button>

Answer:- Both the options mentioned

Question#8 Which of the following classes can be used to create a margin of certain number pixels around the list items?

a) list-margin

b) list-inset

c) list-space

Answer:- list-inset

Question#9 Cards can contain ____.

a) Buttons

b) Images

c) Text

d) All the options mentioned

Answer:- All the options mentioned

Question#10 Which of the following classes define(s) the footer?

a) footer

b) bar-footer

c) None of the options

d) Both the options

Answer:- Both the options

Question#11 Which of the following CSS components are best to create a News App that displays a picture and a caption with short description?

a) Page

b) Tabs

c) Grid

d) Cards

Answer:- Cards

Question#12 Adding which of the following classes to the content makes space for the header?

a) content-header

b) has-header

c) padding

d) header

Answer:- has-header

Question#13 Which of the following is a slide-up pane that lets the user choose from a set of options?

a) Backdrop

b) Action Sheet

c) SlideMenu

d) Form

Answer:- Action Sheet

Question#14 What is the ionic directive that can be used for creating a tab bar?

a) ion-tab

b) ion-tabs

c) tabs

d) ion-tabbar

Answer:- ion-tabs

Question#15 Which CSS component is ideal for creating top navigation for a mobile app?

a) Tabs

b) Grid

c) Navigation

d) Cards

Answer:- Tabs

Question#16 Which of the following components is a multi-page container where each page can be swiped or dragged between?

a) ion-slidebox

b) ion-slides

c) ion-slide

d) ion-sidebar

Answer:- ion-slides

Question#17 Which of the following directives can be used to enable the “pull to refresh” functionality?

a) ion-refresh

b) ion-refresher

c) ion-content

d) ion-fresh

Answer:- ion-refresher

Question#18 Which of the following directives can help in using Ionic custom Scroll View, or the built-in overflow scrolling of the browser?

a) ion-slides

b) ion-content

c) None of the options

d) Either of the options

Answer:- ion-content

Question#19 CLI is an extension of _________.

a) Node.js

b) npm.js

c) Angular.js

d) None of the options

Answer:- npm.js

Question#20 What is the command for running an app in iOS emulator?

a) ionic emulator

b) ionic emulate

c) ionic emulate ios

d) ionic emulator ios

Answer:- ionic emulate ios

Question#21 CLI is based on _____.

a) Cordova

b) Java

c) NPM

d) Ionic

Answer:- Cordova

Question#22 Which of the following interaction modes can be enabled by using ionList and ionItem directives?

a) Remove Items

b) Drag to Reorder

c) Swipe to Edit

d) All the options

Answer:- All the options

Question#23 Which of the following components uses “CSS Flexible Box Layout”?

a) Cards

b) Grid

c) Navigation

d) Tabs

Answer:- Grid

Question#24 Which of the following is the place to check for community contributed Ionic Components?

a) Ionic Resources

b) Ionic Market

c) Ionic View

d) ngCordova

Answer:- ngCordova

Question#25 In a responsive Grid, which class breaks the row of columns when the window size is smaller than the portrait tablet?

a) responsive-sm

b) responsive-lg

c) responsive-md

Answer:- responsive-md

Question#26 Which of the following is a content pane that can go over the user’s main view temporarily?

a) Action Sheet

b) Modal

c) Back Drop

d) PopUp

Answer:- Modal

Question#27 Ionic Grid system is responsive by default.

a) True

b) False

Answer:- True

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