Ques#1 Which format specifier is used for string data type?
a) %v
b) %d
c) %s
d) %#v
A:- %s
Ques#2 Which package has functions to read and Write files?
a) io/ioutil
b) strconv
c) scanner
d) fmt
A:- io/ioutil
Ques#3 A Binary Tree has ______ branches.
a) three
b) two
c) many
d) exactly one
A:- two
Ques#4 Which sorting algorithm uses a pivot element and compares all other elements with the pivot?
a) Merge Sort
b) Quick Sort
c) Bubble Sort
d) Heap Sort
A:- Quick Sort
Ques#5 Linked- Lists are Sequential Data structure.
a) True
b) False
A:- False
Ques#6 The source code for a Go package should be inside a folder of the same name.
a) True
b) False
A:- True
Ques#7 Stack data structure follow which principle
a) LILO(Last In Last Out)
b) FCFS(First Come First Serve)
c) LIFO(Last In First Out)
d) FIFO(First In First Out)
A:- LIFO(Last In First Out)
Ques#8 Tree data structure is usually used to handle which type of data?
a) Binary data
b) Sequential data
c) Random data
d) Heirarchial data
A:- Heirarchial data
Ques#9 Which keyword is used to import packages in a Go program.
a) export
b) implements
c) import
d) include
A:- import
Ques#10 Data structures are basically classified as ______ and ________ type.
a) Linear,Non-Linear
b) Sequential,Non-squential
c) Single,Double
d) Normal,Special
A:- Linear,Non-Linear
Ques#11 Which packages are used for Reading and writing into Files?
a) os and io/ioutil
b) scanner
c) iof
d) fmt
A:- os and io/ioutil
Ques#12 ______ is used to stop the execution of the program when an error occurs?
a) Defer
b) errors
c) Panic
d) New()
A:- Panic
Ques#13 Which keyword is used to convert functions into goroutines?
a) go
b) go func
c) func
d) routine
A:- go
Ques#14 Which go command is used to format the go source code?
a) go format
b) go doc
c) go arrange
d) go fmt
A:- go fmt
Ques#15 Which go package is used to handle os signals?
a) io/util
b) util
c) os
d) os/signal
A:- os/signal
Ques#16 The ______ function is used to recover from a panic condition in a Go program.
a) panic
b) defer
c) retrieve
d) recover
A:- recover
Ques#17 Channels can be of two types ______ and _____ ?
a) Unidirectional, bidirectional
b) scalar,vector
c) single,multiple
d) complete, incomplete
A:- Unidirectional, bidirectional
Ques#18 ________ are a medium for communication between goroutines.
a) communicators
b) functions
c) routers
d) channels
A:- channels
Ques#19 The Println() and Scanln() are a part of which package?
a) io
b) scanner
c) fmt
d) ioutil
A:- fmt
Ques#20 Channels have a _______ associated with them.
a) port number
b) function
c) data
d) type
A:- type
Ques#21 What are the functions present in the errors package?
a) New()
b) Catch()
c) Throw() and Catch()
d) Throw()
A:- New()
Ques#22 The ______ keyword is used to delay the function call in a program, it is similar to the final keyword in other languages.
a) error
b) exec
c) defer
d) delay
A:- defer
Ques#23 Concurrency and parallelism are the same?
a) True
b) False
A:- False
Ques#24 Go programming has a try…catch block?
a) True
b) False
A:- False
Ques#25 wait group struct types are present in which package?
a) sync
b) ioutil
c) fmt
d) main
A:- sync
Ques#1 Which function is used to create custom errors?
A. errors.New()
B. errors.Make()
C. errors.build()
D. errors.Create()
Ques#2 What is the kind of the data in the code snippet type employee struct?
A. employee
B. variable
C. value
D. struct
Ques#3 Which package contains the main package?
A. util
B. default
C. main
D. fmt
Ques#4 ________ keyword in Go is similar to the final keyword in other languages.
A. Panic
B. prefer
C. Refer
D. Defer
Ques#5 Which command is used to run the tests in go
A. go build
B. go test
C. go run
D. go compile
A:-go test
Ques#6 Which function of the reflect package is used to create a new value?
A. ValueOf()
B. Create()
C. New()
D. Start()
Ques#7 The ______ package has functions for unit testing of the codes.
A. testing
B. main
C. test
D. io/ioutil
Ques#8 Which sorting algorithm uses divide and conquer principle to divide the list to single elements?
A. Bubble Sort
B. Heap Sort
C. Radix Sort
D. Merge Sort
A:-Merge Sort
Ques#9 ______ is the ability to quickly switch between different tasks execution so that it seems all the tasks are running simultaneously?
A. Concurrency
B. premption
C. Parallelism
D. multi tasking
A:-multi tasking
Ques#10 ________ Tree is a binary tree which has maximum possible number of nodes.
A. Complete binary
B. Normal binary
C. Full binary
D. Skew binary
A:-Complete binary
Ques#11 Which Searching Algorithm compares the search element with the middle element of the list?
A. Binary Search
B. Interpolation Search
C. Fibonacci Search
D. Linear Search
A:-Binary Search
Ques#12 Which command is used to complie and run a Go program?
A. go run
B. go compile
C. go build
D. go install
A:-go run
Ques#13 Tree and Graph are which type of data structure?
A. Built-in
B. Linear
C. Abstract
D. Non-Linear
Ques#14 ______ help in organizing the code, and also help in reusability of certain functions of a code in other programs.
A. structs
B. packages
C. data types
D. main function
A:-main function
Ques#15 ______ function is used to ignore incoming OS signals.
A. decline()
B. ignore()
C. stop()
D. ignored()
Ques#16 The select statement is similar to switch statement?
A. True
B. False
Ques#17 ______ channels can both send and receive data
A. Bidirectional
B. Unidirectional
C. Multilevel
D. Multiple
Ques#18 A _______ is simlar to a thread pool it maintains a pool of goroutines that are to be executed by the program.
A. Wait Group
B. Stack
C. Worker Pool
D. Go stac
A:-Worker Pool
Ques#19 Which function directs the input signal to a channel.
A. Receive()
B. Direct()
C. Notify()
D. Send()
Ques#20 Which package implements buffered input and output in Go?
A. io/ioutil
B. os
C. testing
D. bufio
Ques#21 Which package handles input os signals?
A. main
B. os
C. util
D. os/signal
Ques#22 Which package handles os/external commands?
A. os/run
B. os/exec
C. os/signal
D. os/rune
Ques#23 _______ command builds and stores binary/executable file in the bin directory of GOPATH.
A. go build
B. go test
C. go run
D. go install
A:-go install
Ques#24 Wait Groups are present in which package?
A. fmt
B. sync
C. async
D. ioutil
Ques#25 The test file name should end with _test.go
A. True
B. False
Ques#26 The fmt package is used to handle formatted input and output.
A. True
B. False
Ques#27 Which of the following code snippet is the correct representation of a Node in Linked List
A. type Node struct {
value int
next *Node
prev *Node
B. type Node struct {
value int Value2
string prev *Node
C. type Node struct {
Value int
tail *Node
D. type Node struct {
next *Node
prev *Node
A:-type Node struct {
value int
next *Node
prev *Node