in Data Mining Methods Basics by
What are the advantages of a decision tree classifier?

1 Answer

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Below are the advantages of the Decision Tree classifier.

  • Decision trees are able to produce understandable rules.
  • They are able to handle both numerical and categorical attributes.
  • They are easy to understand.
  • Once a decision tree model has been built, classifying a test record is extremely fast.
  • Decision tree depiction is rich enough to represent any discrete value classifier.
  • Decision trees can handle datasets that may have errors.
  • Decision trees can deal with handle datasets that may have missing values.
  • They do not require any prior assumptions.  Decision trees are self-explanatory and when compacted they are also easy to follow. That is to say, if the decision tree has a reasonable number of leaves it can be grasped by non-professional users. Furthermore, since decision trees can be converted to a set of rules, this sort of representation is considered comprehensible.