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in Consul by

Read Consul Interview Questions and Answers on below topics :

  • consul study guide
  • consul implementation
  • consul certification
  • consul review
  • consul configuration
  • consul architecture
  • how many types of rps requests are there in consul
  • consul multi datacenter

1 Answer

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Question#1 Consul supports 3rd party proxy integrations

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer: - True

Question#2 While configuring an Agent, using an external configuration file will override the environment variables defined to configure an agent.

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer: - False

Question#3 Connect feature is enabled by default and only needs to be configured in both the Servers and the Clients.

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer: - False

Question#4 Service Mesh is made up of

Select the correct option from below

a) Service Discovery

b) Configuration

c) Segmentation

d) All the options

Answer: - All the options

Question#5 Which command is used to query for the network round trip time between any two nodes?

Select the correct option from below

a) consul round_time

b) consul ttr

c) consul rtt

d) consul rrt

Answer: - consul rtt

Question#6 Applications can discover the services which they require using

Select the correct option from below

a) Either HTTP or DNS Interface

b) HTTP Interface

c) TCP Interface

d) UDP interface

e) DNS Interface

Answer: - Either HTTP or DNS Interface

Question#7 With which community can Consul be linked the closest

Select the correct option from below

a) Full-Stack Community

b) Web Development Community

c) Back-end Development Community

d) DevOps Community

Answer: - DevOps Community

Question#8 How many possible states does a Raft node have?

Select the correct option from below

a) 3

b) 1

c) 2

d) 4

e) There is nothing such as state of Node

Answer: - 3

Question#9 Which tag is used in the service configuartion optionally identify the service as a Connect proxy instance?

Select the correct option from below

a) kind

b) proxy

c) config

d) type

Answer: - kind

Question#10 Which command is used for DNS queries?

Select the correct option from below

a) agent

b) join

c) dig

d) query_get

Answer: - dig

Question#11 The Consul Intentions can be managed via

Select the correct option from below

a) CLI

b) API

c) UI

d) All the options

Answer: - All the options

Question#12 The resposibilitirs of the server include

Select the correct option from below

a) participating in the Raft quorum

b) maintaining cluster state

c) responding to RPC queries

d) forwarding queries to leaders

e) exchanging WAN gossip with other datacenters

f) All the options

Answer: - All the options

Question#13 To receive Telemetry data, what is the code that needs to be passed for Windows Platform.

Select the correct option from below





Answer: - BREAK

Question#14 The connect proxies can be registered via API only.

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer: - False

Question#15 Each datacenter has its own LAN Gossip pool

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer: - False

Question#16 Consul intentions are defined using static Firewall rules.

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer: - False

Question#17 All nodes within a Consul cluster must share the same encryption key to send and receive cluster information.

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer: - True

Question#18 Choose the correct Statement

Select the correct option from below

a) A cluster receives new log entries inspite of having a leader

b) A cluster with zero nodes receives log entries

c) A cluster receives new log entries only when it has a leader

d) A cluster never receives new log entries

Answer: - A cluster receives new log entries only when it has a leader

Question#19 What does ACL stand for?

Select the correct option from below

a) Access Control List

b) Anti-Entropy Control List

c) Agent Control List

d) API Control List

Answer: - Access Control List

Question#20 The system continues to operate despite an arbitrary number of messages being dropped (or delayed) by the network between nodes.Which aspect of CAP theorem does this statement highlight?

Select the correct option from below

a) vailability

b) Consistency

c) Partition Tolerance

d) CAP theorem is not concerned here

Answer: - Partition Tolerance

Question#21 Choose the correct Statement

Select the correct option from below

a) Only the servers participate in the Gossip pool

b) All Nodes in one Datacenter participate in the Gossip pool

c) Only the clients participate in the Gossip pool

d) The Agents across multiple datacenters participate in the Gossip pool

Answer: - The Agents across multiple datacenters participate in the Gossip pool

Question#22 How many prevailing types of Gossip protocol are there?

Select the correct option from below

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

Answer: - 3

Question#23 Any member in the peer set can acknowledge log entries

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer: - False

Question#24 The gossip protocol uses symmetric key cryptosystem.

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer: - True

Question#25 Stale Reads can be used to __________ . Complete the sentence

Select the correct option from below

a) Increase latency and increase the throughput of DNS queries

b) Reduce latency and increase the throughput of DNS queries

c) Reduce latency and Reduce the throughput of DNS queries

d) Increase latency and reduce the throughput of DNS queries

Answer: - Reduce latency and increase the throughput of DNS queries

Question#26 Datacenter has the following attributes

Select the correct option from below

a) high latency and high bandwidth

b) high latency and low bandwidth

c) low latency and low bandwidth

d) low latency and high bandwidth

Answer: - low latency and low bandwidth

Question#27 Choose the precedence of configuring an Agent.

Select the correct option from below

a) Configuration Files>Command Line Arguments>Environment Variables

b) Command Line Arguments<Environment Variables<Configuration Files

c) Command Line Arguments>Configuration Files>Environment Variables

d) Command Line Arguments<Configuration Files<Environment Variables

Answer: - Command Line Arguments>Configuration Files>Environment Variables

Question#28 Keeping Health checks in mind, choose the correct one

Select the correct option from below

a) Exit Code 0: Check is Failing Exit Code 1: Error Any other exit code: Check is passing

b) Exit Code 0: Error Exit Code 1: Check is passing Any other exit code: Check is Failing

c) Exit Code 0: Check is passing Exit Code 1: Check is Failing Any other exit code: Error

d) Exit Code 0: Check is failing Exit Code 1: Check is passing Any other exit code: Error

Answer: - Exit Code 0: Check is failing Exit Code 1: Check is passing Any other exit code: Error

Question#29 What is the format of the DNS query for Connect-capable Service Lookups?

Select the correct option from below

a) <service>.connect.<domain>

b) <service>.node.<connec>.<domain>

c) <node>.<service>.connect.<domain>

d) <service>.<node>.connect.<domain<

Answer: - <service>.connect.<domain>

Question#30 How many processor roles does PAXOS have?

Select the correct option from below

a) 3

b) 4

c) 5

d) 6

Answer: - 5

Question#31 How many types of Network Tomography are there?

Select the correct option from below

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

Answer: - 2

Question#32 Consul automatically removes all the dead Nodes and deregistered services.This process is called

Select the correct option from below

a) Autocleaning

b) Dumping

c) Reaping

d) Cleaning

Answer: - Reaping

Question#33 Which port is used by HTTP interface by default?

Select the correct option from below

a) 8080

b) 8600

c) 8500

d) 8000

Answer: - 8500

Question#34 How many types of RPS requests are there?

Select the correct option from below

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

Answer: - 2

Question#35 Each datacenter has its own WAN Gossip pool

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer: - True

Question#36 A session is used to build distributed locks.

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer: - True

Question#37 All Nodes are initially in the follower state.

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer: - True

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