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in MemCached by
How to replace the value of the key?

1 Answer

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By using replace command, you can replace the value of the key.


  1. replace key flags exptime bytes [noreply]  
  2. value  


In the given example, we use "key" as the key and add the value Memcached in it with 900 seconds expiration time. After this, the same key is replaced with the "redis".

  1. add key 0 900 9  
  2. memcached  
  3. STORED  
  4. get key  
  5. VALUE key 0 9  
  6. memcached  
  7. END  
  8. replace key 0 900 5  
  9. redis  
  10. get key  
  11. VALUE key 0 5  
  12. redis  
  13. END  