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in Angular Material by
Explain Angular Material Icons

1 Answer

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An Angular Material icon is a component for showing vector-based icons in applications. It also supports icon fonts and SVG icons in addition to using Google content icons.

The following table lists the parameters and descriptions of different features of md-icon.

1* md-font-iconThe CSS icon's string is associated with the font-face, which is used to render the icon. It requires the fonts and named CSS styles to be loaded.
2* md-font-setThe CSS style name is associated with the font library specified as a class for the font-icon. This value can also be used to look for a classname; Use $ mdIconProvider.fontSet to determine the style name.
3* md-svg-srcThe String URL (or expression) is used to load, cache, and display any external SVG.
4* md-svg-iconThe string name is used to search for icons from the internal cache; Projected strings or expressions can also be used here. Specific set names can be used with the syntax : . To use the icon set, developers pre-register the set using the $ mdIconProvider service.
5aria-labelIt labels an icon for accessibility. The icon will be hidden from the access layer with aria-hidden = "true" if an empty string is provided. If there is no Ari-label on the icon nor the label on the parent element, a warning will be logged on the console.
6altIt labels an icon for accessibility. If an empty string is provided, the icon will be hidden from the accessibility layer with aria-hidden = "true." If there is no alt on the icon on the parent element, a warning will pop up on the console.

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