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explain numpy.dstack() in Python

1 Answer

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numpy.dstack() in Python

The numpy.dstack() function stacks the arrays in sequence depth wise (along third axis).




tup: This parameter represents the sequence of arrays where the arrays must have the same shape along all except the third axis.


This function returns the array formed by stacking the given arrays, will be at least 3-D.

Example 1

# Python program explaining
# numpy.dstack() function
import numpy as np
inp_array1 = np.array([[ 11, 12, 13], [ -11, -12, -13]] )
print ("Input array: ", inp_array1) 
inp_array2 = np.array([[ 14, 15, 16], [ -14, -15, -16]] )
print ("Input array: ", inp_array2) 
#stack arrays depth wise (along third axis)
out_array = np.dstack((inp_array1, inp_array2))
print ("Output array: ", out_array)


Input array:  [[ 11  12  13]
[-11 -12 -13]]
Input array:  [[ 14  15  16]
[-14 -15 -16]]
Output array:  [[[ 11  14]
[ 12  15]
[ 13  16]]
[[-11 -14]
[-12 -15]
[-13 -16]]]

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