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How to handle concurrent request in AJAX?

2 Answers

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We handle concurrent request with the object AjaxInteraction(URL,callback) where JavaScript function is designed. It is designed in such a manner that it can handle concurrent request and call back function.
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The instance underneath indicates an XMLHttpRequest item abstracted through a JavaScript item referred to as AJAXInteraction. As arguments, you skip with inside the URL to name and the feature to name whilst the processing is completed.

feature AJAXInteraction(url, callback) go back new  XMLHttpRequest();

} else if  (window.ActiveXObject) go back new  ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");



feature processRequest  () 



this.doGet = feature()  

this.doPost =  feature(body) {

req.open("POST", url, true);

req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type",  "





feature makeRequest() {

var ai = new  AJAXInteraction("processme", 

feature() );



The feature that makes a request() in the instance above creates an AJAXInteraction with a URL to of “system” and an inline feature with a purpose to display an alert conversation with the message “Doing Post Process”. When ai.doGet() is referred to as the AJAX interplay is initiated and whilst the server-aspect aspect mapped to the URL “system” returns a file that’s handed to the callback feature that changed into exact whilst the AJAXInteraction changed into created.

Using those closures guarantees that the right callback feature related to a selected AJAX interplay is referred to as. Caution needs to nevertheless be taken whilst growing more than one closure items that make XmlHttpRequests as there’s a confined quantity of sockets which can be used to make requests at any given time. Because there’s a confined quantity of requests that may be made concurrently. Internet Explorer as an instance best permits for 2 concurrent AJAX requests at any given time. Other browsers might also additionally permit extra however it’s far usually among 3 and 5 requests. You might also additionally pick to apply a pool of AJAXInteraction items.

One component to be aware whilst making more than one AJAX call from the consumer is that the calls aren’t assured to go back in any given order. Having closures withinside the callback of a closure item may be used to make sure dependencies are processed correctly. There is a dialogue titled Ajaxian Fire and Forget useful Pattern.
