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in Azure Data Factory by
How can I schedule a pipeline?

3 Answers

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You can use the scheduler trigger or time window trigger to schedule a pipeline.

The trigger uses a wall-clock calendar schedule, which can schedule pipelines periodically or in calendar-based recurrent patterns (for example, on Mondays at 6:00 PM and Thursdays at 9:00 PM).
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There are two ways to schedule a pipeline:

  1. We can use the scheduler trigger or time window trigger to schedule a pipeline.
  2. A trigger uses a wall-clock calendar schedule to schedule pipelines periodically or in calendar-based recurrent patterns (For example, on Mondays at 6:00 PM and Thursdays at 9:00 PM).
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You can use the time window or scheduler trigger to schedule a pipeline. The trigger uses a wall-clock calendar schedule, which can schedule pipelines periodically or in calendar-based recurrent patterns (for example, on Mondays at 6:00 PM and Thursdays at 9:00 PM).

 Currently, the service supports three types of triggers:

Tumbling window trigger: A trigger that operates on a periodic interval while retaining a state.

Schedule Trigger: A trigger that invokes a pipeline on a wall-clock schedule.

Event-Based Trigger: A trigger that responds to an event. e.g., a file getting placed inside a blob.

Pipelines and triggers have a many-to-many relationship (except for the tumbling window trigger). Multiple triggers can kick off a single pipeline, or a single trigger can kick off numerous pipelines.
