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I am just a beginner in php. I have tried to write code for armstrong numbers. I have checked my code by 153. The output of my code is 0.153is not an armstrong number.How can i correct it? Here is my code.











    echo $n."is an armstrong number";


    echo $n."is not an armstrong number";


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1 Answer

0 votes
Given the Armstrong Numbers definition, a functional solution is more concise and a little bit clearer to me

function isArmstrongNumber($number) {

    $digits=str_split($number); // create an array containing the digit into the

    $result = array_sum(


            function($x){return $x*$x*$x;},




    return $number == $result;


It turns out that the previous definition was valid for number of three digits. A general definition lead to a slight different function:

function isArmstrongNumber($number) {

    $digits=str_split($number); // create an array containing the single digits

    $power= count($digits);     // the power every digit has to be raised to

    $result = array_sum(

        array_map('pow', $digits, array_fill(0,$power,$power))


    return $number == $result;


You can use the code in this way:

$candidate = 153;

if(isArmstrongNumber($candidate) {

    /* armstrong number */

    echo $candidate, ' is an Armstrong number.';

} else {

    /* not armstrong number */

    echo $candidate, ' is not an Armstrong number.';
