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I am using jquery ajax get.

SO when my form is submitted it then submits to a php file but the url stays the same because i am using ajax.

$('#search').submit(function() {

$.get("http://example.co.uk/ajax/post.php", $(this).serialize(),




 return false;


Ok this work url will stay the same. www.example.com

ok if i remove the return false so i get the default functionality of the form i get the following.


ok here is what i am looking for i want to use ajax but still have the params appended to the title reason for this is i want my url to be shared with others so it will pull down the params from it.


www.example.com // will just so the basic page


www.example.com?name=test&location=wales // will show the page specific to wales

Any help please???

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1 Answer

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You’d probably need to use the hash (.com/#) in order for this to happen as you can’t just edit the URL.

Ben Alman’s jQuery hashchange event plugin is probably a good start. It allow you to detect when it changes.

This tutorial may also help: Enabling the Back Button by jQuery for Designers.