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in Python Pandas by
How to Rename the Index or Columns of a Pandas DataFrame?

1 Answer

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You can use the .rename method to give different values to the columns or the index values of DataFrame.

There are the following ways to change index / columns names (labels) of pandas.DataFrame.

Use pandas.DataFrame.rename()

Change any index / columns names individually with dict

Change all index / columns names with a function

Use pandas.DataFrame.add_prefix(), pandas.DataFrame.add_suffix()

Add prefix and suffix to columns name

Update the index / columns attributes of pandas.DataFrame

Replace all index / columns names

set_index() method that sets an existing column as an index is also provided. See the following post for detail.

Specify the original name and the new name in dict like {original name: new name} to index / columns of rename().

index is for index name and columns is for the columns name. If you want to change either, you need only specify one of index or columns.

A new DataFrame is returned, the original DataFrame is not changed.

df_new = df.rename(columns={'A': 'a'}, index={'ONE': 'one'})


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# ONE    11  12  13

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