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in Python Pandas by
How to Delete Indices, Rows or Columns From a Pandas Data Frame?

1 Answer

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Deleting an Index from Your DataFrame

If you want to remove the index from the DataFrame, you should have to do the following:

Reset the index of DataFrame.

Executing del df.index.name to remove the index name.

Remove duplicate index values by resetting the index and drop the duplicate values from the index column.

Remove an index with a row.

Deleting a Column from Your DataFrame

You can use the drop() method for deleting a column from the DataFrame.

The axis argument that is passed to the drop() method is either 0 if it indicates the rows and 1 if it drops the columns.

You can pass the argument inplace and set it to True to delete the column without reassign the DataFrame.

You can also delete the duplicate values from the column by using the drop_duplicates() method.

Removing a Row from Your DataFrame

By using df.drop_duplicates(), we can remove duplicate rows from the DataFrame.

You can use the drop() method to specify the index of the rows that we want to remove from the DataFrame.

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