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What are functions and their usage in SQL?

1 Answer

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SQL functions are simple code snippets that are frequently used and re-used in database systems for data processing and manipulation. Functions are the measured values. It always performs a specific task. The following rules should be remembered while creating functions:

A function should have a name, and the name cannot begin with a special character such as @, $, #, or other similar characters.

Functions can only work with the SELECT statements.

Every time a function is called, it compiles.

Functions must return value or result.

Functions are always used with input parameters.

SQL categories the functions into two types:

User-Defined Function: Functions created by a user based on their needs are termed user-defined functions.

System Defined Function: Functions whose definition is defined by the system are termed system-defined functions. They are built-in database functions.

SQL functions are used for the following purposes:

  1. To perform calculations on data
  2. To modify individual data items
  3. To manipulate the output
  4. To format dates and numbers
  5. To convert data types

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