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What is self-join and what is the requirement of self-join?

1 Answer

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A SELF JOIN is used to join a table with itself. This join can be performed using table aliases, which allow us to avoid repeating the same table name in a single sentence. It will throw an error if we use the same table name more than once in a single query without using table aliases.

A SELF JOIN is required when we want to combine data with other data in the same table itself. It is often very useful to convert a hierarchical structure to a flat structure.

The following syntax illustrates the SELF JOIN:

SELECT column_lists    

FROM table1 AS T1, table1 AS T2    

WHERE join_conditions;    


Suppose we have a table 'Student' having the following data:

SQL Interview Questions and Answers

If we want to get retrieve the student_id and name from the table where student_id is equal, and course_id is not equal, it can be done by using the self-join:

SELECT  s1.student_id, s1.name    

FROM student AS s1, student s2    

WHERE s1.student_id=s2.student_id    

AND s1.course_id<>s2.course_id;    

Here is the result:

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