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in Artificial Intelligence by
What is the evaluation function in greedy approach?

(a) Heuristic function

(b) Path cost from start node to current node

(c) Path cost from start node to current node + Heuristic cost

(d) Average of Path cost from start node to current node and Heuristic cost

This question was addressed to me in an online interview.

The question is from Informed Search and Exploration in division Problem Solving of Artificial Intelligence

Select the correct answer from above options

Interview Questions and Answers, Database Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers and Experience

1 Answer

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The correct option is (a) Heuristic function

To elaborate: Greedy best-first search3 tries to expand the node that is closest to the goal, on the grounds that this is likely to lead to a solution quickly. Thus, it evaluates nodes by using just the heuristic function: f (n) = h(n).