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in Artificial Intelligence by
What is Holonymy relation?

(a) A is part of B

(b) B has A as a part of itself

(c) A is a kind of B

(d) A is superordinate of B

The question was asked during an interview.

Question is taken from Semantic Net in division Knowledge and Reasoning of Artificial Intelligence

Select the correct answer from above options

Interview Questions and Answers, Database Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers and Experience

1 Answer

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Right choice is (b) B has A as a part of itself

The explanation: Holonymy (in Greek holon = whole and onoma = name) is a semantic relation. Holonymy defines the relationship between a term denoting the whole and a term denoting a part of, or a member of, the whole. That is,

    ‘X’ is a holonym of ‘Y’ if Ys are parts of Xs, or

    ‘X’ is a holonym of ‘Y’ if Ys are members of Xs.