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in AngularJS Packaging and Testing by
What is Karma and Jasmine?

3 Answers

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Below is the difference between Karma and Jasmine.

Karma: Karma is a tool of running tests on browsers it lets us spawn browsers and run jasmine tests inside of them.

Jasmine: It is a testing framework for Javascript programming language that supports Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) software development practice.

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It can be tedious to manually run Jasmine tests by refreshing a browser tab in multiple browsers every time we make a code change. Karma is a tool that allows us to spawn browsers and execute Jasmine tests inside them from command-line.

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Karma works nicely with Jasmine, a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. It's also the preferred testing framework in the Angular docs, as it's set up for you with the Angular CLI, similar to Karma. Jasmine is likewise dependency free and does not need the use of a document object model (DOM).

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