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Jenkins vs Maven

Jenkins and Apache Maven are both open-source tools. Netflix, Facebook, and Instacart are some of the famous companies that use Jenkins, whereas Intuit, Zillow and Zalando use Apache Maven. Jenkins has a lot of support, being mentioned in 1775 company stacks and 1527 developers stacks; compared to Apache Maven, which is listed in 305 company stacks and 142 developer stacks.


Jenkins is the most popular open-source automation server that was written in a java programming language. It facilitates the automation process of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) in the software development process.

Jenkins supports over 1,400 plugins for other software tools. These plugins expand Jenkins into five years; platforms, UI, administration, source code management and build management.

Jenkins is easy to install and use. It provides an impressive browser-hosted project management dashboard.

Some of the common reasons to evaluate and choose Jenkins are:

  • Open-source and free
  • Widely used and well documented
  • Vibrant user community
  • Integration with a large variety of tools and technologies.
  • Plugin support
  • Easy to install, configure and upgrade
  • Distributed builds
  • Monitoring external jobs
  • Support for various authentication methods, notification, version control system, etc.

Apache Maven

In Maven, the project is developed using its POM (Project Object Model). The set of plugins are shared by all projects using Maven, providing a uniform build system.

POM has configuration information and project information for Maven such as construction directory, dependency, source directory, test source directory, goals, plugins, etc.

Apache Maven provides the following features:

  • Maven defines project structure, dependencies, build, and test management.
  • Using pom.xml, we can configure dependencies needed for building testing and running code.
  • Maven is used to automatically download the necessary files from the repository while building the project.
  • Dependency management
  • Consistent usage across all projects means no ramp-up time for new developers coming onto a project.
  • Get a new module or project started in seconds.

Jenkins Vs Maven Comparison Table

The following are the primary comparisons between Jenkins and Maven:

Jenkins is an open-source continuous integration software tool. It was written for testing and reporting.A Maven is a build tool which helps in build and version control.
Jenkins came in year 2011.Maven was introduced early in 2004.
Jenkins is used by companies Netflix, Facebook, eBay, LinkedIn, etc.Maven is used by companies Zillow, Intuit, Zalando, Yammer, etc.
Jenkins is integrated with Slack, Datadog, BrowserStack, etc. tools.Maven is integrated with tools Buddy, Flyway, JitPack, SonarQube, etc.

Hence, we can consider Apache Maven is a clear winner in the Jenkins vs Maven comparison. One of the reasons for this being is that Jenkins packages deploys with the Jenkins Maven plug-in. While on the surface level, Jenkins looks like it is doing most of the work, it's actually the Maven plug-in that does all of the heavy-duty work.
