Jenkins - Setup Build Jobs
Let's create and run a job in Jenkins for simple HelloWorld in Java.
Step 1: Go to the Jenkins dashboard and click on the New Item.
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
Step 2: In the next page, enter the item name, and select the 'Freestyle project' option. And click OK. Here, my item name is HelloWorld.
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
Step 3: When you enter the OK, you will get a configuration page. Enter the details of the project in the Description section.
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
Step 4: On the Source Code Management section, select the Git option, and specify the Repository URL.
To do that you should have proper github setup on your system. To do the github setup:
First, you have to create a project in java. Here, I created a simple HelloWorld program and saved it to one folder i.e. C:\GitRepo. Compile the file.
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
Now create a project in your GitHub account and give the Repository name. Here my repository name is HelloWorld.
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
Click on Create repository.
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
Your repository is created. Copy the repository URL. My repository URL is:
Open the command prompt in your Windows and go to the path where your java file is created.
Then run the following command.
git init
git status
git add .
git status
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
Configure your GitHub account in your system.
git config --global "your@email"
git config --global "username"
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
Commit it and add the repository URL.
git commit -m "added HelloWorld program"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
Now, when you refresh your GitHub account, the helloWorld file will be added in your repository.
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
Step 5: Add the Repository URL in the Source Code Management section.
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
You can also use a local repository. And if your GitHub repository is private, Jenkins will first validate your login credentials with GitHub and only then access the source code from your GitHub repository.
Step 6: Now, it is time to build the code. Click on "Add build step" and select the "Execute Windows batch command".
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
Step 7: Enter the following command to compile the java code.
java HelloWorld
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
Step 8: Click Apply and then Save button.
Step 9: Once you saved the configuration, then now can click on Build Now option.
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
Step 10: After clicking on Build Now, you can see the status of the build on the Build History section.
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
Once the build is completed, a status of the build will show if the build was successful or not. If the build is failed then it will show in red color. Blue symbol is for success.
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
Click on the build number #1 in the Build History section to see the details of the build.
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs
Step 11: Click on Console Output from the left side of the screen to see the status of the build you run. It should show the success message.
Jenkins Setup Build Jobs