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Installing Jenkins on Windows
Hardware Requirements
Memory 2 GB RAM (Recommended)
Disk Space We need at least 1 GB of space in our hard drive for Jenkins
Software Requirements
JDK We need either Java Development (JDK) or Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
Operating System Jenkins can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X, Ubuntu/Debian, Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS, openSUSE, FReeBSD, OpenBSD, Gentoo.
Java Container The WAR (Web Application Resource) file can be run in any container that supports Servlet 2.4/JSP 2.0 or later. (For example Tomcat 5).
Release Types
Jenkins supports two types of releases based on the organization needs:
Long-term support release
Weekly release
Long term support release (LTS): Long-term support releases (LTS) are available every 12 weeks. They are stable and are widely used and tested. Basically, this release is intended for end users.
Weekly release: This release is available in every week by fixing bugs in its earlier version. These releases are intended towards plugin developers.
We will use the long term support release (LTS) though the process remains the same for Weekly release.
Install Java Version 8
Since Jenkins is a Java based application, therefore Java is a must.
To download the Java Click here. Select file according to your platform.
Installing Jenkins on Windows
Then install the Java as follows:
Installing Jenkins on Windows
Installing Jenkins on Windows
Installing Jenkins on Windows
Installing Jenkins on Windows
Installing Jenkins on Windows
Installing Jenkins on Windows
Download Jenkins war File
This war is required to install Jenkins.
The official website for Jenkins is
When you click the given link, you will get the home page of the Jenkins official website as given below:
Installing Jenkins on Windows
Click on the Download button.
Installing Jenkins on Windows
Click on Generic Java Package (.war) to download the Jenkins war file.
Starting Jenkins
Open the command prompt and go to the directory where the Jenkins.war file is located. And then run the following command:
C:/Java -jar Jenkins.war
When you run this command, various tasks will run, one of which is the extraction of the war file which is done by an embedded webserver called winstone.
Installing Jenkins on Windows
Installing Jenkins on Windows
Click on Allow access button to allow the access.
Installing Jenkins on Windows
Accessing Jenkins
Now you can access the Jenkins. Open your browser and type the following url on your browser:
This url will bring up the Jenkins dashboard.
Installing Jenkins on Windows