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What are the advantages of using CSS?

1 Answer

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The main advantages of CSS are given below:

  1. Separation of content from presentation - CSS provides a way to present the same content in multiple presentation formats in mobile or desktop or laptop.
  2. Easy to maintain - CSS, built effectively can be used to change the look and feel complete by making small changes. To make a global change, simply change the style, and all elements in all the web pages will be updated automatically.
  3. CSS Validator and Cross-Browser Compatibility - CSS web design to worry about are having correct syntax and making sure a website displays properly across many different browsers, including older versions of those browsers. Validators are essentially CSS editors that check code for grammatical errors.
    Cross-browser compatibility tools allow CSS designers a way to test web design appearance over different browsers and helps to save time by not having to test laptop with cssdifferent browsers manually one by one. 
  4. CSS Compressors- Another way to increase bandwidth is to decrease the size of a CSS file with compressor tools. CSS compressors eliminate blank spaces, indentations, and even comments to boost performance. Another best practice for CSS designers is to combine separate CSS files into one file for multiple webpages to reduce the amount of HTTP requests (cleancss.com).
  5. Vendor Prefixes and Post Processors- Browsers use prefixes to render specific style elements that are coded by the CSS designer. When there is a web design style element that is not fully supported by a browser, vendor prefixes are added manually in the CSS code, forcing the browser to display that style element. 
  6. CSS Reset- All browsers have their own proprietary default style. By using CSS resets, a developer can override a browser’s style sheet by setting things like margins and paddings to “zero”. 
  7. Bandwidth - Used effectively, the style sheets will be stored in the browser cache and they can be used on multiple pages, without having to download again.

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