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java length of string

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Java String length()

The java string length() method length of the string. It returns count of total number of characters. The length of java string is same as the unicode code units of the string.

Internal implementation

public int length() {  

      return value.length;  



The signature of the string length() method is given below:

public int length()  

Specified by

CharSequence interface


length of characters

Java String length() method example

public class LengthExample{  

public static void main(String args[]){  

String s1="javatpoint";  

String s2="python";  

System.out.println("string length is: "+s1.length());//10 is the length of javatpoint string  

System.out.println("string length is: "+s2.length());//6 is the length of python string  


Test it Now

string length is: 10

string length is: 6

Java String length() Method Example 2

public class LengthExample2 {  

    public static void main(String[] args) {  

        String str = "Javatpoint";  

        if(str.length()>0) {  

            System.out.println("String is not empty and length is: "+str.length());  


        str = "";  

        if(str.length()==0) {  

            System.out.println("String is empty now: "+str.length());  




String is not empty and length is: 10

String is empty now: 0