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in Threat Modeling by
Which of the following threat can be handled using access control?

Select the best answer from below options

a) Information Disclosure

b) Tampering

c) Denial of Service

d) Elevation of privilege

e) All the options

1 Answer

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Access control is a security technique that regulates who or what can view or use resources in a computing environment. It is a fundamental concept in security that minimizes risk to the business or organization.

There are two types of access control: physical and logical. Physical access control limits access to campuses, buildings, rooms and physical IT assets. Logical access control limits connections to computer networks, system files and data.

Below threat can be handled using access control :
a) Information Disclosure
b) Tampering
c) Denial of Service
d) Elevation of privilege
Hence All of the options are Correct (e) All the options