Samples of five metals ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘E’ were taken and added to the following solution one
by one. The results obtained have been tabulated as follows.
Metal FeSO4 CuSO4 ZnSO4 AgNO3 Al2(SO4)3 MgSO4
A No reaction Displacement No reaction Displacement No reaction No reaction
B Displacement Displacement No reaction Displacement No reaction No reaction
C No reaction No reaction No reaction Displacement No reaction No reaction
D No reaction No reaction No reaction No reaction No reaction No reaction
E Displacement Displacement Displacement Displacement No reaction No reaction
Use the above table to answer the following questions about the given metals.
(a) Which of them is most reactive and why?
(b) What would you observe if ‘B’ is added to CuSO4?
(c) Arrange ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘E’ in the increasing order of reactivity.
(d) Container of which metal can store zinc sulphate and silver nitrate solution?
(e) Which of the above solution(s) can be stored in a container made of any of these metals and