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in Cloud Computing by
What are the benefits of Cloud Computing?

5 Answers

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The main benefits of Cloud Computing are:

  •  Data backup and storage of data
  •  Powerful server capabilities
  •  Incremented productivity
  •  Cost-effective and time-saving
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The main benefits of cloud computing are that it is cost effective in nature, it increases the productivity by about 50%, and reduces IT support to 40%. It also saves time to about 30%, the required power is less, and also takes up lesser space.

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The main benefits of cloud computing are:

  1. Data backup and storage of data.
  2. Powerful server capabilities.
  3. Incremented productivity.
  4. Very cost effective and time saving.
  5. Software as Service known as SaaS.
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  1. Scalability
  2. Agility
  3. High Availability
  4. Pay as you go
  5. Moving from Capex to Opex
  6. Fault Tolerance
  7. High Response Time
  8. High Bandwidth
  9. Low Latency
  10. Deep dive:
  11. Scalability

It can be termed as an ability of the application to handle growing amount of work without degrading the performance. Basically system can grow without limits based on demand. Scalability is of 2 types --

Vertical or Scale Up -- In this type of scaling configuration we increase the capacity of the existing hardware or machine. For example, if you are having a desktop of 4GB RAM and tomorrow you increase the RAM of your machine to 16GB then this is nothing but the vertical scaling.

Horizontal or Scale Out -- In this type of scaling configuration we increase the count of machines without increasing the capacity. For example, if you have a server of 8GB RAM and tomorrow you put another server of same RAM and so on. When you do horizontal scaling essentially you increase the computing power in parallel so you get better performance. This is horizontal scaling.


The system is easy to evolve as business changes. This defines a degree to which your application can be evolved/ changed/ modified depending on the business or requirement changes.

High Availability

Basically this defines how much your application is available for its end users. Customers or users will always expect zero downtime of the application. High availability means your application can withstand below common types of downtime scenarios --

Hardware failures

Application updates

Configuration changes

OS update restarts

Heavy load restarts

Pay as you go

This is the most lucrative benefit of cloud. With cloud you pay only for what you use. If you are not in the need of resources, you can free them/ de-allocate them and you are not charged for it. The billing is absolutely "per minute" billing giving you more saving on cost.

Moving from Capex to Opex

This stands for moving from "Capital Expenditure to Operational Expenditure". Companies today don't wish to invest on hardware as hardware is changing at rapid pace. Therefore, instead of investing on hardware cost which may become obsolete after certain time span they are more interested and willing to pay operational cost on monthly, yearly basis. This is nothing but the Capex to Opex. As Microsoft Azure being "Pay as you go" model it becomes easy to move from Capex to Opex.

Fault Tolerance

It is the ability of the system to continue operating in full capacity and fully functional in the event of failure of some of its components. This simply means, if I have a web application and interacting with database then if the database is not accessible/down still my web application will be available for users. This means your application is fault tolerant.

Microsoft Azure applies various replication and redundancy strategies to make azure hosted services and applications as fault tolerant.

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There are many benefits of cloud computing, some of which are:

benefits of cloud computing

Efficiency; Efficiency in business operations is achieved in the following ways through the utilization of cloud computing: 

Accessibility; Cloud computing facilitates the access of applications and data from any location worldwide and any device with an online connection. 

Cost savings; Cloud computing over businesses with scalable computing resources, saving them on the worth of acquiring and maintaining them. These resources are purchased on a pay-as-you-go basis, suggesting businesses pay just for the resources they use. This has proven to be less expensive than acquiring the resources independently. 

Security; Cloud providers, especially those private cloud services, have strived to implement the most straightforward security standards and procedures to guard clients’ data saved within the cloud. 

Disaster recovery; Cloud computing is the only efficient means for small, medium, and even large enterprises to back up and restore their data and applications quickly and safely. 

Flexibility and Increased collaboration; with cloud computing capabilities, individuals from different places can collaborate on business projects without necessarily having to satisfy them. 
