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in SVN by
Describe the work functioning of SVN checkout command?

1 Answer

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Checkout command of SVN will simply update a local duplicate that able to work for the existing project of yours which is redeem among the local git repository. 

This can be explained by a simple example stated below.

You are given project that is allocated in the git-repository which is created at the URL location.

For example, http://xyz.com/svn/xrepo/xproject. Now your aim is to check xproject among the local system. This can simply be done by making use of the code

svn co http://www.xyz.com/svn/xrepo/xproject.

All the files will be copied by using this command into the present existing directory. And in the same way if you wish to checkout your directory into a private git-repository one can use 

the git-command

svn co http://www.xyz.com/svn/privaterepo/xproject –username admin –password admin

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