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Nginx vs Apache: Which is better?

1 Answer

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Most “power” users would say that Nginx is better, but that depends on your needs.

For serving static files, or cached files, Nginx is faster than Apache (all other things being equal). Additionally, Nginx does not spawn new processes for each request, which means that it can handle more concurrent requests, which means that it will scale better for a highly trafficked site.

So, perhaps from a purely theoretical standpoint, Nginx could be considered better software. But, in practical use, Apache is sometimes the preferable option.

Apache is easier to configure and easier to manage. Because it is so much more common, there are more help topics, forum threads, and online tutorials to draw from. The developers of many web applications, especially popular ones like WordPress, assume their users will have Apache, so there is a higher degree of compatibility and automation.

Generally (not always), Apache is both good enough and much easier.
