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What is continuous testing and its benefits?

2 Answers

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Continuous testing is the practice of applying automated tests early, gradually and adequately in the software delivery pipeline. In a typical CI/CD workflow, builds are released in small batches. Therefore, it is impractical to manually perform test cases for each delivery. Automated continuous testing eliminates the manual steps and turn them into automated routines, which reduces human effort. That’s why automated continuous testing is essential for the DevOps culture.

Benefits of continuous testing:

Ensures the quality and speed of the builds.

Enables faster software delivery and a continuous feedback mechanism.

Detect errors as soon as they occur in the system.

Reduce business risks. Evaluate potential problems before they become real problems.

What is version control and its uses?

Version control (or source control) is a respiratory in which all changes in the source code are stored and managed at all times. The version control provides an operating history of code development that allows developers to unwind if they made any mistakes, compare between versions and finalize with the best version of the code. All the code versions must be updated and checked into the version control, making it the single source of truth that is applicable for all environments.

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Continuous Testing is defined as a process of executing automated tests as part of the software delivery lifecycle to obtain feedback on business risks associated with the software release. The objective of continuous testing is to test early and test often to prevent the problems from progressing to the next stage of the SDLC.

The benefits of Continuous Testing are listed below:

  1. Mitigates business risks.
  2. Improves code quality.
  3. Agile and reliable process.
  4. Provides test environment access with service virtualization.
  5. Maintains consistency through the same configuration for all the tests.