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nosql database revolution questions and answers

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Fresco Play NoSQL Database Revolution Questions and Answers 2021

1.Terrastore is an example of __.

a) Document datastore

b) Columnar datastore

c) Graph datastore

d) Key Value datastore

Answer: a)Document datastore

2.__ is a Columnar database that runs on a Hadoop cluster.

a) Redis

b) Apache HBase

c) None of the options

d) Cassandra

Answer: b)Apache HBase

3.In Riak Key Value datastore, the Replication Factor 'N' indicates __.

a) Number of Write Operations

b) Number of Data Copies to be maintained across nodes

Answer: b)Number of Data Copies to be maintained across nodes

4.The scalability of Key-Value database is achieved through __.

a) Peer to Peer Replication

b) Master-Slave Replication

c) Sharding Replication

Answer: c)Sharding Replication

5.__ in Key-Value Databases are similar to 'Tables' in RDBMS.

a) Keys

b) Values

c)None of the options

d) Buckets

Answer: d)Buckets

6.Columnar datastore avoids storing null values.

a) True

b) False

Answer: a)True

7.The Specialized Query Language(s) used in Graph datastore is/are __.

a) Cypher

b) None of the options


d) All the options

Answer: a)All the options

8.Cassandra was developed by __

a) Google

b) None of the options


d) Facebook

Answer: a)Facebook

9.In Riak Key Value datastore, the variable 'W' indicates __.

a) Number of Data Copies to be maintained across nodes

b) Number of Write Operations

Answer: a)Number of Data Copies to be maintained across nodes

10.The type of Graph Store that works in real-time is __.

a) None of the options

b) All the options

c)Graph Compute Engine

d) Graph Database

Answer: b)All the options

11.The syntax for retrieving specific elements from an XML document is __.

a) XMLSchema

b) XQuery


Answer: c)XPath

12.Which Replication model has the strongest resiliency power?

a) Sharding Replication Model

b) All the options

c)Master-Slave Replication Model

d) Peer to Peer Replication Model

Answer: b)Peer to Peer Replication Model

13.The famous XML Database(s) is/are _.

a) eXist

b) MarkLogic

c)eXist, MarkLogic and Cassandra

d) Cassandra

e) eXist and MarkLogic

Answer: 5)eXist and MarkLogic

14.Which type of scaling handles voluminous data by adding servers to the clusters?

a) Horizontal

b) Vertical

Answer: a)Horizontal

15.Apache Kudu distributes data through Vertical Partitioning.

a) False

b) True

Answer: a)False

16.NoSQL can handle __.

a) Unstructured and Semi-structured data

b) None of the options

c)Semi-structured data only

d) Unstructured Data only

Answer: a)Unstructured and Semi-structured data

17.Which type of datastore supports nodes that are connected by relationships?

a) Key Value datastore

b) Columnar datastore

c)Document datastore

d) Graph datastore

Answer: d)Graph datastore

18.Which type of database requires a trained workforce for the management of data?

a) NoSQL


Answer: b)RDBMS

19.Hash Table Design is similar to __.

a) Document datastore

b) Key Value datastore

c)Columnar datastore

d) Graph datastore

Answer: b)Key Value datastore

20.__ requires data in a structured format as per the defined data model.


b) NoSQL

Answer: a)RDBMS

21.The most popular Navigational DBMS system is/are __.

a) Integrated Management System and Integrated Database System

b) None of the options

c)Integrated Management System

d) Integrated Database System

Answer: a)Integrated Management System and Integrated Database System

22.Which of the following does not have restrictions on the data type it stores?

a) All the options

b) Columnar Family in Columnar Datastore

c)Columns in RDBMS

d) None of the options

Answer: a)Columnar Family in Columnar Datastore

23.Example(s) of Columnar Database is/are __.

a) Cassandra and HBase

b) Cassandra, HBase and Redis


d) HBase

e) Redis

Answer: a)Cassandra and HBase

24.In a Column Data Model, the number of columns that a row can have __.

a) remains the same

b) varies

Answer: b)varies

25.In the Master-Slave Replication model, the slave node services __.

a) None of the options

b) Write operations

c)Read operations

d) Read and Write operations

Answer: c)Read operations

26.The Property Graph Model is similar to __.

a) Entity Relationship Diagram

b) None of the options

c)Use Case Diagram

d) Sequence Diagram

Answer: a)Entity Relationship Diagram

27.The file format(s) that can be stored and retrieved from the Document Store NoSQL data model is/are __.

a) XML



d) All the options

Answer: d)All the options

28.Which Replication model supports database read and write operations in all the nodes?

a) Master-Slave Replication

b) All the options

c)None of the options

d) Peer to Peer Replication Model

Answer: d)Peer to Peer Replication Model

29.Riak DB leverages the CAP Theorem to improve its scalability.

a) True

b) False

Answer: a)True

30.In the Master-Slave Replication model, the node which pushes all the updates in data to subordinate nodes is __.

a) Slave Node

b) All the options

c)Master Node

Answer: c)Master Node

31.The language to transform XML documents into other formats, like non-XML formats such as HTML is _.

a) XPath



d) XML

Answer: b)XSLT

32.NoSQL is a Relational Data Model.

a) False

b) True

Answer: a)False

33.In the Master-Slave Replication model, different Slave Nodes contain __.

a) Different data

b) Same data

Answer: b)Same data

34.The key parameter(s) to be taken into consideration while weighing NoSQL databases against each other is/are __

a) Performance

b) Database Features

c)Context-based Criteria

d) All the options

Answer: d)All the options

35.Which among the following is the correct API call in Key-Value datastore?

a) put(key,value)

b) put(key)


d) None of the options

Answer: a)put(key,value)

36.Which type of Key-Value datastore DB has its key and value sorted?

a) Solid-State Key-Value datastore

b) RAM Key-Value datastore

c)Ordered Key-Value datastore

d) Eventually Consistent Key-Value datastore

Answer: c)Ordered Key-Value datastore

37.An expressive structure with the collection of nodes and relationships interlinking them is __.

a) Graph datastore

b) Key-Value datastore

c)Columnar datastore

Answer: a)Graph datastore

38.Which among the following is used by Amazon to store the user's shopping cart details?

a) MemCached

b) Riak


d) DynamoDB

Answer: d)DynamoDB

39.NoSQL data replication is __.

a) Heterogenous

b) Homogenous

Answer: b)Homogenous

40.All NoSQL databases are similar.

a) True

b) False

Answer: b)False

41.Which of the following has properties attached to it in the Graph datastore?

a) None of the options

b) Nodes

c)Nodes and Relationships

d) Relationships

Answer: c)Nodes and Relationships

42.The Document base unit of storage resembles __ in an RDBMS.

a) Columns

b) Rows

Answer: b)Rows

43.The core principle of NoSQL is __.

a) None of the options



Answer: c)BASE

44.__ are chunks of related data often accessed together.

a) All the options

b) Columns


d) Column Families

Answer: d)Column Families

NOSQL database revolution Interview Questions

45.In a columnar Database, __ uniquely identifies a record.

a) None of the options

b) All the options


d) Row-Key

Answer: d)Row-Key

46.Relational Database satisfies __.

a) ACID Properties

b) All the options

c)BASE Properties

Answer: b)All the options

47.CAP represents __.

a) Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance

b) None of the options

c)Cost free, Availability, Portability

Answer: a)Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance

48.__ is an Object Oriented Database.

a) NoSQL


Answer: a)NoSQL

49.In a Key-Value datastore, both keys and values need to be unique.

a) True

b) False

Answer: b)False

50.Which of the following factors influence(s) the choice of replication model?

a) Environment

b) All the options

c)Server Capacity

d) Application Demand

e) Throughput

Answer: b)All the options

51.Document Store database contains data in the format of __.

a) All the options

b) XML document

c)BSON document

d) JSON document

Answer: a)All the options
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What is NoSQL?

Answer: NoSQL stands for "not only SQL." It's a type of database that doesn't use a traditional relational data model.

Why was NoSQL created?

Answer: NoSQL was created to handle the challenges of big data, including the need for scalability, flexibility, and high performance.

What are some examples of NoSQL databases?

Answer: MongoDB, Cassandra, Couchbase, HBase, and DynamoDB are all examples of NoSQL databases.

What are the advantages of NoSQL databases?

Answer: NoSQL databases are highly scalable, flexible, and can handle large amounts of unstructured data. They also have low latency and high availability.

What are the disadvantages of NoSQL databases?

Answer: NoSQL databases can be more difficult to query and can lack some of the features of traditional relational databases, such as transactions.

What types of data are best suited for NoSQL databases?

Answer: NoSQL databases are best suited for unstructured or semi-structured data, such as documents, images, and videos.

What are the different types of NoSQL databases?

Answer: NoSQL databases can be categorized into four types: key-value stores, document stores, column-family stores, and graph databases.

What is a key-value store?

Answer: A key-value store is a NoSQL database that stores data as a collection of key-value pairs. Examples include Redis and Riak.

What is a document store?

Answer: A document store is a NoSQL database that stores data as documents, typically in JSON or BSON format. Examples include MongoDB and Couchbase.

What is a column-family store?

Answer: A column-family store is a NoSQL database that stores data as columns instead of rows. Examples include Cassandra and HBase.

What is a graph database?

Answer: A graph database is a NoSQL database that stores data in a graph structure, where nodes represent entities and edges represent relationships between them. Examples include Neo4j and OrientDB.

What is sharding in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Sharding is the process of dividing a large dataset into smaller parts and distributing them across multiple servers.

What is replication in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Replication is the process of copying data from one server to another to ensure redundancy and high availability.

What is CAP theorem in NoSQL databases?

Answer: CAP theorem states that a distributed system can only guarantee two out of three properties: consistency, availability, and partition tolerance.

How do NoSQL databases handle ACID transactions?

Answer: NoSQL databases often use a form of eventual consistency instead of full ACID compliance, allowing for greater scalability and availability.

How does data modeling differ in NoSQL databases compared to relational databases?

Answer: Data modeling in NoSQL databases is typically more flexible and can be based on the needs of the application rather than a predefined schema.

What is document-oriented modeling?

Answer: Document-oriented modeling is a type of data modeling used in document stores, where data is stored as documents rather than in tables with fixed schemas.

What is a schemaless database?

Answer: A schemaless database is a database that doesn't enforce a fixed schema, allowing for greater flexibility and adaptability.

What is a map-reduce operation?

Answer: Map-reduce is a data processing technique used in NoSQL databases to process large amounts of data in parallel.

What is the difference between NoSQL and SQL databases?

Answer: NoSQL databases are designed to handle unstructured or semi-structured data, while SQL databases are designed for structured data.

What is denormalization in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Denormalization is the process of adding redundant data to a NoSQL database to improve query performance.

What is indexing in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Indexing is the process of creating data structures that allow for fast searching and querying of data in a NoSQL database.

What is a distributed database?

Answer: A distributed database is a database that is spread across multiple servers or nodes.

How does a distributed database differ from a traditional database?

Answer: A distributed database allows for better scalability, availability, and fault tolerance compared to a traditional database.

What is a document-oriented database?

Answer: A document-oriented database is a type of NoSQL database that stores data as documents.

What is a graph database?

Answer: A graph database is a type of NoSQL database that stores data in a graph structure.

What is a column-family database?

Answer: A column-family database is a type of NoSQL database that stores data in a column-oriented fashion.

What is the purpose of a NoSQL database?

Answer: NoSQL databases are designed to handle big data and provide better scalability, flexibility, and performance compared to traditional databases.

How does NoSQL handle data consistency?

Answer: NoSQL databases often use eventual consistency instead of strict consistency to ensure high availability and scalability.

What is the difference between horizontal and vertical scaling?

Answer: Horizontal scaling involves adding more servers to handle increased load, while vertical scaling involves adding more resources to a single server.

What is the role of a distributed cache in NoSQL databases?

Answer: A distributed cache can be used in NoSQL databases to improve query performance and reduce the load on the database.

What is ACID compliance?

Answer: ACID compliance refers to a set of properties that ensure reliable data processing and storage, including atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability.

How does eventual consistency work in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Eventual consistency allows for updates to propagate to all nodes in a distributed system over time, rather than enforcing strict consistency at all times.

What is the difference between a document and a row in a NoSQL database?

Answer: A document is a self-contained unit of data, typically stored as a JSON or BSON object, while a row is a unit of data in a table with a fixed schema.

What is the role of sharding in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Sharding allows for better scalability by distributing data across multiple servers.

What is the role of replication in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Replication ensures high availability and fault tolerance by copying data to multiple servers.

What is the difference between a primary key and a partition key in NoSQL databases?

Answer: A primary key uniquely identifies a record in a database, while a partition key is used to partition data across multiple servers.

What is a NoSQL data warehouse?

Answer: A NoSQL data warehouse is a type of database used for storing and analyzing large amounts of data.

What is the role of caching in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Caching can be used to improve query performance and reduce the load on the database by storing frequently accessed data in memory.

What is the difference between a distributed database and a federated database?

Answer: A distributed database is a single database spread across multiple servers, while a federated database is a collection of databases that appear as a single database.

What is the role of indexes in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Indexes allow for fast searching and querying of data in a NoSQL database.